Registration Closes Tuesday, March 5 @ 11:59 pm
Be sure to complete your registration in Pit Zone. Late registration is available at the venue on Saturday between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. A $25 late fee will apply and the athlete will go the back of the callup regardless of previous season points.

We still have a lot of volunteer spots open and need your help.
NICA races are run almost entirely by volunteers. That’s right! Even the bulk of the core event staff are volunteering their time. Please review the volunteer positions and sign up for one of the many volunteer slots required to host a successful race weekend. No experience is required.
Volunteering is one of the best ways to fully experience the race weekend and get a front row seat to the action. We have some cool swag for our volunteers and will be handing out prizes throughout the weekend.

Texas NICA Alumni Reunion
Calling all NICA Alumni (Coaches, Athletes, Crew Members, and their Families)! Join us for a NICA Alumni Reunion during the Reveille Peak Roundup on Saturday, March 9th and Sunday, March 10th!
Attendance is free, but you must RSVP

Reveille Peak Mountain Bike Yard Sale
We’re having a yard sale! Come pick from a range of new-in-box gear to keep your season rolling smooth! Items will be for sale at steeeeep discounts on both Saturday and Sunday of the Reveille Peak Ranch Round-up race weekend!
Trek Fundraiser

The Trek fundraiser is here! Donate to support your team and the Texas league. Your team will keep 50% of all funds raised by the team. One lucky winner will get a brand new Trek Top Fuel and a student-athlete will get a new Supercaliber. Talk about a win win win!
The more you raise, the more chances you will have to win a brand new bike or one of many other student incentives.
Tickets will be available until May 13, 2024 at 11:59 pm CST.
By participating in this Sweepstakes, you agree to the Official Rules, to the website Terms of Use, and to all decisions by the Sponsor of the Sweepstakes (“Sponsor”), which are final and binding in all matters.
Race Recaps and Video Content
Want to keep up with what is happening in both conferences? Not sure where to find photos or access scores? Just visit our race recaps on the website. You’ll find all the deets there with some fun bonus video content. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to see all the latest content.