- Registration Reminder
- 2024 Handbook
- 2024 Season Scoring
- Staging Update
- Fun Lap Registration
- Volunteers
- Race #1 Aloha at Troy
- Teen Trail Corps
- Important Dates
Registration Reminder
Registration for race #1, the Aloha at Troy closes Tuesday, January 16 at 11:59 p.m.
Make sure you have completed all steps of registration and paid for your races in Pit Zone by the deadline to secure your call-up.
Late Registration: Late registration will be offered on-site at the race venue on Saturday between 9 am and 2 pm. A $25 late fee will apply and racers will be placed at the back of the call-ups regardless of last season’s standings.

The NICA Handbook provides a thorough overview of the rules and guidelines for all NICA activities and races. Athletes are responsible for knowing and abiding by all rules, guidelines and the Code of Conduct when participating in any NICA activity or representing NICA.
2024 Season Scoring

Texas NICA operates as a Tier I league with two conferences – North and South. Your conference is determined solely on your geographical location.
- LEAGUE CATEGORIES: Each Conference will have the following categories for both men and women
- Varsity
- JV1
- JV2
- Freshmen
- 8th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 6th Grade
- Fun Lap
- RACE SERIES: Texas offers a 5 race series. A total of 7 races will be held. Two regular-season races will host both conferences with each conference having its own podium for every category. Two races will host only the North conference, and two races will host only the South conference. This will give each conference four regular-season conference races. The final championship race will host both conferences, and conferences will be combined into one field per category.
- INDIVIDUAL SCORING: The series winner for each conference will be determined by the best 3 out of 4 regular season conference races, not inclusive of the state championship race. After the last conference race, 25 bonus points will be awarded for completing all conference races.
- STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Call-ups will include both conferences combined and will be determined by the individual student athlete’s conference series points total, inclusive of bonus points. Podiums will be awarded to the top 10 athletes in each category. The winner of each race category will be declared as State Champion. Student-athletes must have earned points from a regular season race to be eligible to compete in the state championship race.
Staging Update

We visited some colleagues at other NICA leagues and learned a newer/better way to stage our athletes. In the past, we have staged by race plate numbers with one big staging chute. Our new method will use call-up numbers and staging gates (write them on athletes’ arms). Both conferences will be staged together for each category. This will allow faster riders to be up front and will provide a better race experience for everyone. Each conference will still have its own podium.
Athletes are responsible for checking with their coaches and knowing their staging gates and call-up numbers BEFORE going to the staging area. We have put together detailed staging instructions. Click the play button below.
Fun Lap Registration
The Fun Lap is back for Season XIII, but registration will look a bit different.
Athletes who are practice ready in Pit Zone can register for the Fun Lap on-site the Saturday before each race during the open registration widow – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Fun Lap Registration is $25.
The fun lap is for any athlete who wants to participate but does not want to join their race category. Fun Lap athletes will ride the same race loop and will be staged just like every other category, but will have more flexibility. For example, they can bring a licensed coach with them, or receive assistance while on the course.
Fun Lap riders must register and use a Fun Lap plate (9000 series). While we don’t post their times, we do track them and require all athletes to check in AND out with a race official.


The volunteer signup link is live.
NICA races are run almost entirely by volunteers. That’s right! Even the core event staff are volunteering their time. Please review the volunteer positions and sign up for one of the many volunteer slots required to host a successful race weekend.
Volunteers do not need to have previous experience. Volunteering is one of the best ways to fully experience the race weekend and get a front row seat to the action. We will also have some gifts for volunteers.
Race #1 – Aloha at Troy
“Check the race flyer” is our favorite saying!

The race flyer is ready. Check it out for all of the details about race #1, the Aloha at Troy.
Teen Trail Corps
Teen Trail Corps is NICA’s program to introduce student-athletes to a culture of service to help maintain the trails we enjoy. NICA teams and athletes are highly visible users of the trail systems.
Through Teen Trail Corps, teams have an opportunity to showcase their commitment to the trails and develop a good reputation within the local trail community.
We will have awards for our top teams and students at each of our joint conference races (#1, #4 and #7). Be sure to enter your TTC hours in Pit Zone by the race registration deadline (Tuesday before the race).

Important Dates
- January 12: Race #1 Category Placement Petitions Due
- January 15: Race #1 Coaches Call
- January 16: Race #1 Registration Deadline
- January 20: Race #1 Pre-Rides
- January 20: OTB101
- January 21: Race #1 – Aloha at Troy
- January 26: Race #2 Category Placement Petitions Due (South Only)
- January 29: Race #2 Coaches Call (South Only)
- January 30: Race #2 Registration Deadline (South Only)
- February 3: Race #2 Pre-Rides (South Only)
- February 4: Race #2 – Wrangle in Warda (South Only)
- February 12: Online Leader Summit Starts