Texas NICA student athletes at the start of a mountain bike race

Texas Interscholastic Mountain Bike League

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Get to Know the Texas Interscholastic Mountain Bike League

The Texas League is a project league of NICA, the National Interscholastic Cycling Association. We provide a safe and positive experience for Texas teens and their families. Our philosophy is that nobody rides the bench, camaraderie takes the lead, and families are all welcome. With Texas NICA, middle and high school youth are building strong bodies, minds, and character through the lifelong sport of mountain biking.

Texas Mountain Bike League background

What does the TX NICA season look like?



This is a great time to carry the momentum from the season into recruiting. It is also a good time for coaches and students to let their bodies and minds reset.

Some of the more serious athletes continue racing TMBRA and other events in the off-season on their own.

Other students take on other sports that help balance out the body and help prevent burnout and overtraining.



Starting in October you will see NICA activities start popping up – These often start with team recruitment, fundraising and team kick-off meetings.

Coaches begin registering riders in Pit Zone and collecting size information for t-shirts, jerseys, etc.

Team practices can begin November 1.



Practices should be in full-swing a few times a week and the racing season begins!

Race weekends are family-friendly and often younger siblings and grandparents even come along!

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League News

Online Leader Summits

NICA’s coach education staff host online leaders’ summits throughout the year. These one-hour, live Zoom workshops are hosted at a variety of times/dates to accommodate coaches’ busy schedules. Coaches can […]

2024 Leader Summit

Thunderbird Lodge at Spider Mountain 200 Greenwood Hills Trail, Burnet, Texas

Join us this year at Thunderbird Lodge, in Burnet, Texas for our annual Leader Summit.

Follow the League

Beyond Racing

The Teen Trail Corps Program teaches student-athletes to give back to their sport by helping to maintain trails and develop relationships with land owners. Athletes can earn badges for stewarding or advocating for mountain biking in different ways.  

NICA Adventure programming helps students discover the joy of biking and outdoor adventures. We use games and experiential education to help students challenge themselves at their own pace and develop a lifelong love of cycling.  

Girls Riding Together, a.k.a GRiT Texas is an outreach program focused on recruiting, developing, and retaining female athletes, coaches, ride leaders, and volunteers. GRiT Texas is part of the NICA National GRiT outreach program.