
Texas NICA Volunteers

Volunteer with Texas NICA

Volunteer at a race

This organization is run by a community of volunteers, and there are a number of ways you can donate your time to support the league! 

Volunteering at our races is a fun and rewarding way to get involved and help bring the NICA experience alive for our student athletes, parents, and coaches. It takes approximately 100 volunteers to put on each race and we have positions for all skill sets – on or off the bike. 

For more information, contact volunteers@texasmtb.org 

Volunteer Positions

You don’t need to be a mountain bike expert to be a great volunteer! Volunteers can help set up the course, work road and course crossings, keep an eye on students on the course (course marshals), assist with scoring and so much more.

Sign Up

Getting involved with the race is a rewarding experience and a great way to be part of the action!

Volunteer Home Teams

Each race is assigned a group of home teams based on proximity to the venue. We expect home teams to make a concerted effort to get as many volunteers from their team as possible for that race weekend, but we recognize that the weekends can be busy for everyone involved and travel itmes vary. 

Sugarland (S)
Feb. 1-2, 2025

Houston Composite
Pearland Coyotes
Armadillos – Fort Bend

29 Pines (N)
Feb. 15-16, 2025

Rose City Racing
ETX Piney Woods
Jesuit Dallas
Highland Park
Classical Dallas

Millican (N+S)
Feb. 22-23, 2025

A&M/College Station
North Austin
Austin High
St. Stephens

Mar. 8-9, 2025

Lake Travis
San Marcos
Hays County

Troy (N+S)
Mar. 22-23, 2025

Heart of Texas/Midway
Fort Worth Flyers
South Metro
Abilene – Team Big Country
Vista Ridge

4R (N)
Apr. 5-6, 2025

Wichita Falls
North Texas
Mineral Wells

Warda (S)
Apr. 12-13, 2025

Boerne 9ers
Alamo Heights
Alamo City Femmes

State Championship
May 3-4. 2025

All Teams

Volunteer Position Descriptions

Course Marshal
Race volunteer

Course Marshals have an active role in ensuring safety on the course. They stand at key marshal points along the course to warn riders of hazards, direct riders, ensure fair play and provide rapid response to incidents. Course Marshals may also act as crossing guards and/or league representatives to other trail users. Radios are provided to report any incidents or to call in medical assistance. A note pad is provided to keep track of any outside support, rule violations and riders who abandon the race. Course Marshals can hike or ride bikes to their marshal points.

Race Sweep
Mountain Bike Race Sweep

A sweeper keeps track of a rider wave by riding behind the last rider. They add additional communication and emergency support out on the course to ensure that every NICA Student Athlete gets to the finish line in the safest way possible. Course marshals, Finish Line Support, the Scoring Assistants and racers all look to the sweeper to gauge where the last rider in a wave is positioned on course.

Crossing Guard

Where the racecourse crosses the road or the natural path of foot traffic, there is a risk of collision. You will help us keep these areas safe by looking out for racers coming down the course and holding all cars and/or people back until the coast is clear to cross.

Scoring Assistant

We use RFID chips on our race plates to ensure accurate and efficient race placement and scoring, but we all know technology can have hiccups! Scoring assistants help our crew at the finish line to write down race plate numbers as they cross the line so we have an analogue backup of athletes crossing the finish.

Texas NICA Staging Sign

Staging Officials facilitate riders getting into their correct staging location before the start of each race. After signing up at the volunteer tent, Staging volunteers arrive at the staging area 30 minutes before the start of each wave. Once at the staging area, you will confirm the league’s staging process with the Staging Manager and assist in directing Student Athletes to their position.

Feed Zone Marshal

As Feedzone Marshal, you will be guiding all the parent, coach and other volunteer feeders to keep the feedzone the ideal place for water and food hand-offs. The Feedzone Marshal needs to have a good understanding of the NICA rules about the feedzone and carries this portion of the NICA rulebook. (copy of rules will be supplied by Volunteer Coordinator) “Everyone take one step back,” “No running,” and “Only feeders in the feedzone” are a few phrases parents and coaches come to expect from the Feed Zone Marshal.

Finish Line Support
Mountain Bike Race FInish

Finish Line Support Volunteers ensure NICA Student Athletes finish strong and make a smooth transition from competing to reuniting with parents, coaches and teammates. The finish line is often the most hectic and is the most crowded part of the racecourse. Parents and teammates are crowding around to see their athletes finish and athletes come through exhausted, fatigued, and in need of someone to corral them out of the way. Finish line support volunteers allow athletes a clear, safe exit from the racecourse.

Registration Assistant
Texas NICA Registration and Infield

Assist the Registration Manager in collecting race paperwork, payments, and distributing race plate numbers to coaches and student athletes.

Volunteer Assistant
Mountain Bike Race Registration Table

This position will serve as the right hand of the Volunteer Coordinator, to man the volunteer table at all times and assist with the signing in and out of volunteers, wrangling any needed last minute helping hands, keeping track of the radio inventory, and getting waivers signed.

Venue/Gate Parking Attendant
Mountain Bike Race Venue drone image

Be the first to welcome NICA Student Athletes, their families, coaches and supporters as they enter the race venue. Often there is just enough space for our growing League to park, so it’s important to direct and park cars in an efficient manner.

Course Setup
Volunteer putting down mountain bike race tape

As a course setter you will be marking the course for NICA Student Athletes pre-riding and racing. With the direction of the Chief Course Setter, you will be placing markings to alert riders of turns, dangers and confirm they are on course. This involves you riding your mountain bike with a backpack full of course-setting supplies: course tape, signs, zip ties and small wooden stakes. You’ll have fun getting out on course with some fellow League supporters.

Venue Setup
Infield Texas NICA Course Setting

Build the infield with a team of volunteers and race staff. A well-built infield brings excitement to the event. You will be starting with placing pins and poles for snow fencing and course tape and setting up EZ UP tents. You will also be placing flags and sponsor banners.