Austin Take a Kid Mountain Biking and Trek Red Barn Party!

Austin, Texas came alive with the spirit of adventure as cycling enthusiasts and families gathered for the Trek Take a Kid Mountain Biking event at Walnut Creek.

Co-hosted by the Austin Ridge Riders, the Texas Interscholastic Mountain Bike League, and Trek, this day provided a space for teams across the league to get together and ride! The excitement didn’t end on the trails but continued into the afternoon with the Trek Red Barn Party at the Trek Lamar store.

Take a Kid Mountain Biking – Walnut Creek

The event kicked off at the Walnut Creek trails and brought together close to 200 NICA students–athletes and coaches. Students grouped together by ability before taking to the trails. Some groups took on big fast laps and others took their time, enjoying snacks and working on skill development throughout their ride. In all cases, new friends were made and countless high fives were shared. The stoke was high!

Over 90 fruit snack packs were consumed…

NICA Red Barn Party

After the Walnut Creek ride, festivities shifted to the Trek Lamar store for the Red Barn Party. Here, students and coaches had the opportunity to trade in their bikes and even receive steep discounts on Trek products. The Trek staff even got in on the fun and hid mini-cows around the shop for students to find and trade in for stickers and other goodies. Huge shout out and thanks to Trek for their support of our student athletes and help in getting #morekidsonbikes!